Анастасия Семенова Федина

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Анастасия Семенова Федина

Birthplace: Gavrilov, Spasskiy Rayon, Ryazanskaya Oblast', Russia
Death: August 16, 1912 (8 weeks)
Gavrilov, Spasskiy Rayon, Ryazanskaya Oblast', Russia
Place of Burial: Gavrilov, Spasskiy Rayon, Ryazanskaya Oblast', Russia
Immediate Family:

Daughter of Семен Семенов Федин and Марфа Иванова Федина
Sister of Private; Private; Private; Private and Private

Managed by: Edouard Kruger
Last Updated:
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Immediate Family

About Анастасия Семенова Федина

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Анастасия Семенова Федина's Timeline

June 18, 1912
Gavrilov, Spasskiy Rayon, Ryazanskaya Oblast', Russia
June 19, 1912
Gavrilov, Spasskiy Rayon, Ryazanskaya Oblast', Russia
August 16, 1912
Gavrilov, Spasskiy Rayon, Ryazanskaya Oblast', Russia
August 18, 1912
Gavrilov, Spasskiy Rayon, Ryazanskaya Oblast', Russia