Максим Гаврилович Ермошкин

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Максим Гаврилович Ермошкин

Birthplace: Новый Маклауш
Immediate Family:

Husband of Юстина Мироновна
Father of Акилина Максимовна Ермошкина; Прокопий Максимович Ермошкин and Anna Maksimovna Maksimova

Managed by: Private User
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Максим Гаврилович Ермошкин's Timeline

June 21, 1887
Novyi Maklaush, Klyavlinsky District, Samara Oblast, Russia (Russian Federation)
July 1, 1890
Novyi Maklaush, Klyavlinsky District, Samara Oblast, Russia (Russian Federation)
February 16, 1894
Novyi Maklaush, Klyavlinsky District, Samara Oblast, Russia (Russian Federation)
Новый Маклауш