Наталья Максимова Тенякова

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Наталья Максимова Тенякова

Birthplace: Gavrilov, Spasskiy Rayon, Ryazanskaya Oblast', Russia
Death: May 31, 1892 (9 months)
Gavrilov, Spasskiy Rayon, Ryazanskaya Oblast', Russia
Place of Burial: Gavrilov, Spasskiy Rayon, Ryazanskaya Oblast', Russia
Immediate Family:

Daughter of Максим Яковлев Теняков and Агрипина Иоакимова
Sister of Феодор Максимов Теняков; Семен Максимов Теняков; Матвей Максимов Теняков; Евдокия Максимова Тенякова; Дмитрий Максимов Теняков and 4 others

Managed by: Edouard Kruger
Last Updated:

About Наталья Максимова Тенякова

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Наталья Максимова Тенякова's Timeline

August 23, 1891
Gavrilov, Spasskiy Rayon, Ryazanskaya Oblast', Russia
August 24, 1891
Gavrilov, Spasskiy Rayon, Ryazanskaya Oblast', Russia
May 31, 1892
Gavrilov, Spasskiy Rayon, Ryazanskaya Oblast', Russia
June 1, 1892
Gavrilov, Spasskiy Rayon, Ryazanskaya Oblast', Russia