Aarne Johannes Saarikko

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Aarne Johannes Saarikko (1930 - 1969)

Birthplace: Huittinen, Finland
Death: February 24, 1969 (38)
Huittinen, Finland
Immediate Family:

Son of Vilho Hesekiel Saarikko and Aino Amalia Saarikko
Brother of Pentti Olavi Saarikko; Kaija Saarikko; Kaija Kaarina Saarikko; Maija-Leena Saarikko and Private

Managed by: Jarmo Saarikko
Last Updated:
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Aarne Johannes Saarikko's Timeline

November 18, 1930
Huittinen, Finland
February 24, 1969
Age 38
Huittinen, Finland