Aase Bodin

Spydeberg, Østfold, Norway

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Aase Bodin Rosenlund / Pedersen (Bodin)

Birthplace: Tønsberg, Vestfold, Norway
Death: January 25, 1975 (58)
Rikshospitalet, Oslo, Norway
Place of Burial: Spydeberg, Østfold, Norway
Immediate Family:

Daughter of Johan Bodin and Maren Bodin
Wife of Carl Anton Rosenlund and Private
Mother of Private; Private and Per Erik «Prikken» Rosenlund
Sister of John Walther (nr 1) Bodin; Ruth Bodin; Esther Haugen; Eva Pedersen; John Walther (nr 2) Bodin and 5 others

Managed by: Private User
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Immediate Family

About Aase Bodin

Tønsbergs Blad, vielse: L E 1939-06-03 Bodin, Åse Rosenlund, Karl Anton Nøtt/Oslo

Søstrene Eva og Aase Bodin giftet seg samme dag 3.6.1939.Aftenposten 2.6.1939 . Sperret på Nasjonalbiblioteket, men det virker som at det ble holdt hjemme hos foreldrene på Nesbrygga.

Gravminner: 3911161 Aase Bodin Pedersen 0805 1916 2501 1975 0102 1975 A 03 006 Vis Hovin Spydeberg 3911160 Per - Erik Rosenlund 2606 1945 3006 1989 A 03 005 Vis Hovin Spydeberg

Dødsannonse fra Aftenposten 30.1.1975

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Aase Bodin's Timeline

June 8, 1916
Tønsberg, Vestfold, Norway
June 27, 1945
Tønsberg, Vestfold, Norway
January 25, 1975
Age 58
Rikshospitalet, Oslo, Norway
February 1, 1975
Age 58
Hovin, Spydeberg, Østfold, Norway