Adele Dorothea Baumann

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Adele Dorothea Baumann

Birthplace: Vynupė, Panevėžio rajono savivaldybė, Panevėžio apskritis, Lithuania
Immediate Family:

Daughter of Julius Friedrich Baumann and Gottlieb Baumann
Sister of Johann Alfred Baumann; Ernst Anton Christian Baumann; Edmund Emil Baumann; Bertha Gottlieb Plohmann and Oswald Heinrich Alexander Baumann
Half sister of Julius Georg Baumann; Annette Hermine Baumann; Ferdinand Armidor Baumann; Otto Onofrius Baumann and Wilhelm Amaldi Baumann

Managed by: Private User
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Adele Dorothea Baumann's Timeline

June 6, 1866
Vynupė, Panevėžio rajono savivaldybė, Panevėžio apskritis, Lithuania