Albertus Spann

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Albertus Spann

Also Known As: "Albert"
Birthplace: Millingen aan de Rijn, Berg en Dal, Gelderland, Netherlands
Death: October 13, 1957 (73)
Nijmegen, Nijmegen, Gelderland, Netherlands
Immediate Family:

Son of Lambertus Bartholomeus Spann and Gerarda Driessen
Husband of Wilhelmina Johanna Peperkamp
Brother of Wilhelmina Spann; Johanna Spann; Aleijda Spann; Wilhelmus Spann; Gertruda Spann and 4 others

Occupation: Veldwachter
Managed by: Alexander Theodorus Sliepenbeek
Last Updated:
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Albertus Spann's Timeline

February 22, 1884
Millingen aan de Rijn, Berg en Dal, Gelderland, Netherlands
October 13, 1957
Age 73
Nijmegen, Nijmegen, Gelderland, Netherlands