About Aldgisl
from https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Aldgisl
Aldegisel, Aldegisl, Aldgillis, Aldgisl, Aldgils or Eadgils (fl. c. 678) was the ruler of Frisia (as king or duke) in the late seventh century contemporarily with Dagobert II and a very obscure figure. All that is known of him is in relation to the famous saint that he harboured and protected, Wilfrid, but he is the first historically verifiable ruler of the Frisians.[1](p792) What the exact title of the Frisian rulers was depends on the source. Frankish sources tend to call them dukes; other sources often call them kings.
translated from https://nl.wikipedia.org/wiki/Aldgisl
Aldgisl (Frisian: Aldgillis ) (- circa 680 ) was, according to the work of Stephanus Eddius, a Frisian king from the second half of the 7th century . This companion and hagiographer of Bishop Wilfrid of York (634-709) is the only original source that mentions Aldgisl. [1]
In legend, he was son of Beroald.
http://www.historyfiles.co.uk/KingListsEurope/FranceHolland.htm this is a much better reference to use by far.
Please do not use www.genealogieonline.nl/stamboom-bavo-van-der-molen as a good reference.. He also has 2 different trees on Ancestry.com both differ from the other in many ways and inconsistencies.
Aldgillis I was the father of Radboud . (according www.genealogieonline.nl/stamboom-bavo-van-der-molen ) Source: http://smitzimm.woelmuis.nl/843095945.htm ADGILT, Adgillus or Adalgisus, the fifth King of Friesland, was, according to some, a son of Beroald , in a blow against Clotarius II, King of the Franks, would be killed. After the latter this whole Friesland overheerd had he retained a portion of Adgilt, under the superintendence of four he added Councils Adgilt thus accepted the government Friesland East of the Vliestroom, to the north along the North-lying regions. The time in which his government has begun, fell one wants, around 630, when he was already considerably advanced in years; and that they added him four Councils, did not place, because he was a minor, but for political reasons, in order to have got a warrant to faithful observance of the closed contract, both at opzigte the annual uitkeering the Frankish kings, and in the support service ready to help expand Christianity. To greater assurance of the last four purpose elected Frisians had to be acceptable to Christians. King Adgilt was gentle, peace-loving, wise and calculated perfectly, in order to calm prudence to behave so that he and the Frankish government and the clerics in good relationship survived, although he continued to cling to the ancestral religion with his followers; thus becoming, by mutual admit of avoided all bitterness. By then, the Frankish Kings surrendered the algemeem a voluptuous and idle life, making their Groothofmeijers had owned the regime, and this driven by ambition, were guilty of murder, persecution and other snoode offenses for which mankind trembles back and that weaken the physical and moral strength of airlines Adgilt could work more independently. He made many internal improvements, in order that the residents, who had lots by enemy raids and the ensuing losses, to provide relief. He provided them with good laws, and promoted the prosperity of the country, both by building cities and towns, as well as by land reclamation and the erection of tall mounds along the coast, where residents in floods, with cattle and goods, an asylum could find. That was his principal endeavor, because of the country were to increase prosperity and ensure he saw the left to that Dagobert I, which Clotarius was followed, on the right bank of the Rhine, at Katwijk, established a fortress, to levy tolls and that were insured and ecclesiastical asylums built on Clerics revenue in its vicinity. his noble fearlessness he showed in his dealings with the faith preacher Wilfrid; This, by virtue of his haughtiness and ambition deposed as bishop of York, was on his way to Rome, and became REASON to complain to the Pope, landed in Friesland, where Adgilt him and his entourage received the voorkomendste manner. Ebroin the Great Hofmeijer of Theodoric III, King of the Frankish empire, bitten by Wilfrid, because by his company manages Austrasia slip was made orally and in writing the Frisian King ask the bishop to bring or take into custody. With indignation Adgilt read the letter which they sent him, the fugitives for, and offered him for all eyes to the flames. Through the rough season unable to continue the journey, Wilfrid arose this delay for its own benefit, that with permission of Adgilt, the Frisians to preach the gospel; and one wants that nearly all the nobles and even the King, in addition to many thousands of people embraced the Christian doctrine and were baptized. He saw his beneficent reign until his death in 679, reward the residents tdankbaarheid me while they held him thereafter continuously in blessing memento. After his death his son came Radboud to the government. See Schotanus, the Historians. Friesland, p. 54; G. van Loon, Dutch Ancient Histori, I. 285 and 289; H. v (in) H (Eussen) and H. v (in) R (IJN) Kerkel. Hist. and Outh. the facilitation. prov., DI bl. 8; Mr. D. Fockema, Schetzen of deFriesche hist., DI bl. 59-61; Wagenaar, to home country. Hist., DI bl. 351 and 352; JP Eagle, Algem. Est. des to home country. DI bl. 307, 317 and 318.
An old legend says he was a son of King Radbod but there is no known contemporary evidence.
Aldgillis II is described as a gentle and tolerant monarch, the ... Under his administration, the conversion was the Frisians resumed with great zeal, particularly ... II , after the death of Poppo , king would become ZYN whole of Friesland.
Poppo died in 734 at the battle of the boarn which the Frisians by the Franks led by Charles Martel were defeated and the Frisian areas west of the Lauwers were transferred to the Frankish empire .
In the scarce resources that have survived from the early Middle Ages lack direct evidence that Poppo was followed by a Adgillis. This is only mentioned by Eggerik Benninga , which in the 16th century, wrote a chronicle of the Frisians. This would thereby have based on older 'sources'.
Aldgisl's Timeline
622 |
Tournehem, France
680 |
Age 58
Tournehem, France
???? | |||
???? |