Amanda Elisabeth Wiklund

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Amanda Elisabeth Wiklund

Birthplace: Östersund, Jämtlands län, Sverige
Death: October 07, 1915 (58)
Näskott, Jämtlands län, Sverige
Immediate Family:

Daughter of Olof Wiklund and Kristina Elisabet Karlsdotter
Sister of Anna Brita Wiklund; Olivia Kristina Wiklund; Anna Karolina Wiklund; Karl Johannes Wiklund; Maria Gunilla Wiklund and 3 others

Managed by: Anders Mattias Häggquist
Last Updated:
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Amanda Elisabeth Wiklund's Timeline

June 8, 1857
Östersund, Jämtlands län, Sverige
October 7, 1915
Age 58
Näskott, Jämtlands län, Sverige