Anders Vilhelm Holmström

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Anders Vilhelm Holmström (1928 - 1938)

Birthplace: Tara, Nedergård, Pargas, Finland
Death: March 27, 1938 (9)
Place of Burial: Parainen, Finland
Immediate Family:

Son of Artur Anatoliua Holmström and Aina Sofia Holmström
Brother of Helmer Anatoliua Holmström; Hjördis Sofia Holmström; Göta Linnea Holmström and Herbert Johan Holmström
Half brother of Gunnar Johannes Holmström; Väinö Valdemar Holmström and Einar Ranhild Holmström

Managed by: Private User
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Anders Vilhelm Holmström's Timeline

April 23, 1928
Tara, Nedergård, Pargas, Finland
March 27, 1938
Age 9
Parainen, Finland