Andréa Germaine Magdo

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Andréa Germaine Magdo

Birthplace: Armenonville-les-Gâtineaux, 28320, Eure et Loir, France
Death: July 12, 1895 (5 months)
Armenonville-les-Gâtineaux, 28320, Eure et Loir, France
Immediate Family:

Daughter of Emile Léon Lucien Magdo and Ernestine Magdo
Sister of Emile Leon Armand Magdo; Alice Julie Therese Magdo; Maria Ismerie Judith Magdo; Angeline Andréa Magdo; André Louis Magdo and 3 others

Managed by: Pierre Quenee
Last Updated:

About Andréa Germaine Magdo

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Andréa Germaine Magdo's Timeline

February 11, 1895
Armenonville-les-Gâtineaux, 28320, Eure et Loir, France
July 12, 1895
Armenonville-les-Gâtineaux, 28320, Eure et Loir, France