public profile
Married Alita Alice Reveal, whom according to Nova Allison (Riley), had been raised by his parents. They moved to Throckmorton County and bought a farm near Lusk, close to the Stephens County line.
Carla Lemen, (granddaughter of Curtis Allison, son of James and Bessie) forwarded an e-mail to Joe Cornelius on August 8, 1998 from Judith Allison Walters, providing information from the 1860 Census of Williamson County, Texas (which later became Milam County). This information indicates that the parents of Andrew Jackson Allison was James Allison and Delilah Howard, both from Tennessee. They had nine children at the time of the census, including Andrew, listed as age 4 at the time of the census.
The following obituary for Andrew Jackson Allison was written by John Lee Smith, Lieutenant Governor of the State of Texas, November 10, 1933. It was re-published in the Throckmorton County History, Throckmorton County History Committee, 1983, page 50.
On the evening of November 10th at his home in Lusk, Texas, an old time Texan passed away. He was A. J. Allison, son of James Allison, one of the founders of the Republic of Texas. His father was one of the outstanding pioneers of the young nation called Texas. Mr. Allison was born April 9, 1854, in Williamson County, Texas. He grew up on the frontier and developed the strong and vigorous characteristics of manhood for which our early settlers were famous. As a lad he witnessed the Civil War and the tragic upheaval which it caused in our social and commercial life.
At the age of eighteen years he joined the Baptist Church and was an earnest and consistent Christian until the day of his death. He was upright and kindly, reminding one of the splendid men who had made the world a safe place for us to abide. He was generous hearted. In the early days the passing wayfarer was always a welcome guest within his gates. He fed hundreds of hungry and destitute during his life, and no man ever asked a reasonable favor at his hands but that it was granted if within his power. He lived the life of the Prophet beside the road where the races of men go. And the men who passed his way were better because thay had met and known him.
In his going the State has lost an upright citizen, the community a splendid neighbor, mankind a generous friend, and his family a loving husband and father. May the peace of God comfort those who mourn and glorify the memory of the noble spirit which has departed the walks of life.
The following account was taken from "Allison-Ellison Scottish Cousins" by Dr. Carl Grayson Ellison, dated April 11, 2010.
774. Andrew Jackson Allison (James A.-10, John A.-9, James-8, Robert-7, Robert-6, John-5, Gerrard Robert-4, Gerrard Robert-3, Robert-2, John-1) was born on 9 Apr 1855 in Williamson Co, TX.. He appeared in the census in 1860 in Williamson Co, TX.. 05. He died on 10 Nov 1933 at the age of 78 in Lusk, Throckmorton County, TX.
Per Andrew Jackson's great-granddaughter, Billye Jean Pierce (Harvey) in 4/1999, "Grandpaw" was quite a good artist and writer [and had beautiful handwriting) and loved to read. He always let his children and grandchildren read his beloved books. He drew a mural of a wild turkey on the wall of his car barn at his farm in Lusk, Throckmorton County, Texas. Jean remembers his long beard and said that his hair and beard were snowy white. In the last months of his life, he used a cane and had to sit a lot. But even though he could not do much, he could still draw--he had a large blackboard on a stand, and he drew lots of pictures, one of which was of some men fishing on the River. It even included their campsite and campfire. Jean said it was so realistic that, looking at it, she expected to "feel" the water and "see" the flickering of the fire.
He told his grandchildren and great-children about going on cattle drives with his father and brothers in the old days.
Jean, now 78, remembers AJ and Alice well, and also said that AJ wrote an extensive biography of his ancestors, including their Tennessee to Arkansas to Texas migration, and gave it to John Lee Smith, who was going to publish it. According to the Smith biography in the Texas Handbook Online, Smith's papers are housed at "the SW Collection" at Texas Tech University. Smith was also AJ's attorney. (John Lee Smith was a future State Senator and Lt. Gov. when he wrote AJ's obituary in 1933.)
My Aunt Jean also told me how AJ and Alice Reveale came to marry: Alice's mother died by the time she was three, and her dad remarried and "gave the kids away" to different people. Alice probably grew up in one or more foster homes, but was taken in by AJ's parents sometime after 1870. AJ's parents died in 1874. Later, AJ and Alice got married--and were married to each other for some 59 years and bore numerous children.
Joined the Baptist Church at the age of 18.
Andrew Jackson Allison and Sarah Alice Reveale were married on 14 Oct 1874 in Williamson Co, TX.. Sarah Alice Reveale was born on 20 Mar 1859 in Bell County, TX. She died on 27 Oct 1943 at the age of 84 in Lusk, Throckmorton County, TX. She was buried in Woodson, Throckmorton County, TX. Per her great-granddaughter, Billye Jean Harvey Pierce, "Grandmaw" Alice was a wonderful woman, beautiful inside and out, and much beloved by the entire family. She loved her family mightily, and outlived not only her beloved husband, but also a number of her own children and
Andrew Jackson Allison and Sarah Alice Reveale had the following children:
+1244 i. James Frederick Allison, born 16 Aug 1875, Milam County, TX; married Bessie Walton, 26 Dec 1896,
Milam County, TX; died 9 Mar 1929, Stephens County, TX.
+1245 ii. Mattie Elizabeth Allison, born 28 May 1877, Davilla, Milam County, TX; married Pierce Butler
Harling, 15 Jul 1896, Davilla, Milam County, TX; died 27 Nov 1964, Woodson, Throckmorton County,
1246 iii. Carrie V. Allison167 was born on 2 Jul 1879 in Milam County, TX. She died on 7 Oct 1887 at the age of
8 in Milam County, TX.
+1247 iv. Edna Leah Allison, born 31 Oct 1881, Davilla, Milam County, TX; married Ephraim Elijah Barnes, 15
May 1902, Ranger, Eastland County, TX; died 31 May 1980, Rising Star, Eastland County, TX.
+1248 v. Ollie Beatrice Allison, born 23 Feb 1883, Milam County, TX; married Unknown Mills; married James
L. Bradford; died 15 Jun 1962, Woodson, Throckmorton County, TX.
+1249 vi. Irl Fonzo "Uncle Captain" Allison, born 24 Nov 1885; died Apr 1963.
+1250 vii. Lora Iradell Allison, born 2 Aug 1890; married John A. Thomas, 1 Nov 1908, Throckmorton Co., TX.
1251 viii. Trevino Lora Allison was born on 2 Aug 1890 in Milam County, TX. He died on 10 Aug 1890 at the
age of 0 in Milam County, TX.
+1252 ix. Ethel May Allison, born 17 Feb 1892, Milam County, TX; married William Henry Pratt, 12 Jan 1910,
Woodson, Throckmorton Co., TX; died 5 Mar 1995, Graham, Young County, TX.
1253 x. Unknown Girl Allison was born on 8 Jul 1894 in Milam County, TX. She died on 13 Dec 1894 at the
age of 0 in Milam County, TX.
+1254 xi. Willie Jewel Allison, born 9 Apr 1896, Milam County, TX; married James Cicero Shelton, 1917; died 27
Oct 1926, Throckmorton County, TX.
Link to Reveal Family Web Site that has photograh of Sarah Alice Reveal and Andrew Jackson Allison -
Information from FindAGrave.com
Andrew Jackson Allison
Apr. 9, 1855
Williamson County
Texas, USA
Nov. 10, 1933
Throckmorton County
Texas, USA
Beloved husband of SARAH ATLAS (Alice?) REVEAL. Eleventh child of JAMES A. ALLISON (a Texian Soldier in 1836 for the Republic of Texas) & wife, DELILAH HOWARD, who were born in 1810 and 1812, respectively, in or around present-day Hardeman Co., Tennessee, and settled about 1834 in what is now Houston Co., Texas. James's original Mexican land grant (1 league + 1 labor), which was re-granted to him by the Republic of Texas, is in present-day Van Zandt Co., Texas.
Family links:
James Frederick Allison (1875 - 1929)*
Woodson Cemetery
Woodson (Throckmorton County)
Throckmorton County
Texas, USA
1855 |
April 5, 1855
Williamson, Texas, USA
1875 |
August 16, 1875
Marlin, Milam, Texas, USA
1920 |
Age 64
Throckmorton, Texas, USA
1933 |
November 10, 1933
Age 78
Lusk, Throckmorton, Texas, USA
???? |
Woodson, Throckmorton County, Texas, United States of America