Ane Nielsdatter

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Ane Nielsdatter

Birthplace: Moesgaard, Ryde S., Ginding H., Ringkøbing A.
Death: March 16, 1808 (5-6)
Moesgaard, RydeS., Ginding H., Ringkøbing A.
Place of Burial: Ryde S., Ginding H., Ringkøbing A.
Immediate Family:

Daughter of Niels Andersen, Kjærgaard and Inger Marie Christensdatter
Sister of Ane Dorthe Nielsdatter; Kirsten Nielsdatter; Christen Nielsen; Anders Nielsen; Anders Nielsen, d.y. and 1 other
Half sister of Christopher Nielsen; Peder Nielsen; Niels Nielsen; Anne Dorthe Nielsdatter and Karen Nielsdatter

Managed by: Niels Jørgen Vestergaard
Last Updated:
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Ane Nielsdatter's Timeline

Moesgaard, Ryde S., Ginding H., Ringkøbing A.
March 16, 1808
Age 6
Moesgaard, RydeS., Ginding H., Ringkøbing A.
Ryde K., Ryde S., Ginding H., Ringkøbing A.