Ane Louise Olsen

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Ane Louise Olsen

Birthplace: højby, Holbæk, Vestsjalland, Denmark
Immediate Family:

Daughter of Mads Olsen and Ane Jensdatter
Wife of Christen Lauridsen Høyer
Mother of Private; Private; Private; Private; Private and 3 others
Sister of Ane Margrethe Madsen; Hans Christian Madsen; Pauline Kirstine Madsen; Maren Chatrine Madsen; Ole Madsen and 2 others

Managed by: Lotte Brenøe Høyer
Last Updated:
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Immediate Family

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Ane Louise Olsen's Timeline

October 28, 1873
højby, Holbæk, Vestsjalland, Denmark
December 26, 1873
Holbæk Amt, Danmark
Age 27
Farup, Ribe, Ribe, Danmark