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Immediate Family
About Ann RANSON
Duplicate of Ann Hingston
Ann's siblings, James and Susan, were the witnesses to the ceremony. Death date given in book is 11 Mar 1932. (Go...Be fruitfuland multiply)
Ann's siblings were:
James born Longford 8 Feb 1850 and married Elizabeth McKERROW
Sarah born 23 Apr 1853, died 1891, married Alexander DOWNIE
Samuel born 1855 and married Sarah MASTERS
Susan born 20 Dec 1856 at Longford and married David McLENNAN in1879
John born 1855 and married Catherine CHERRY
Mary born 1859, died 1916 and married Robert McNAUGHT
Richardorn Longford 1862 and died Springfield 1929. (Faye Lowe - GR)
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Ann RANSON's Timeline
1851 |
August 15, 1851
Ilawarra, Tasmania, Australia
October 5, 1851
Longford, Tasmania, Australia
1878 |
April 12, 1878
Ringarooma, Tasmania, Australia
1879 |
July 17, 1879
Ringarooma, Tasmania, Australia
1881 |
March 9, 1881
Ringarooma, Tasmania, Australia
1882 |
June 19, 1882
Gawler, Tasmania, Australia
1883 |
October 31, 1883
Gawler, Tasmania, Australia
1885 |
February 26, 1885
Gawler, Tasmania, Australia
1889 |
October 27, 1889
Gawler, Tasmania, Australia