Anna Catharina Bosmans

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Anna Catharina Bosmans

Birthplace: Lubbeek, Flemish Brabant, Flanders, Belgium
Death: July 27, 1866 (64)
Lubbeek, Flemish Brabant, Flanders, Belgium
Immediate Family:

Daughter of Joannes Bosmans and Anna Maria Celis
Wife of Antonius Amandus de Greef
Sister of Maria Theresia Bosmans; Joanna Elisabetha Bosmans; Joannes Bernardus Bosmans; Isabella Bosmans; Anna Elisabeth Bosmans and 1 other

Managed by: Griet Ann Maria Claes
Last Updated:
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Anna Catharina Bosmans's Timeline

April 30, 1802
Lubbeek, Flemish Brabant, Flanders, Belgium
July 27, 1866
Age 64
Lubbeek, Flemish Brabant, Flanders, Belgium