Anna Maria Hoffmann

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Anna Maria Hoffmann (Gras)

Birthplace: Bad Salzig, Rheinland-Pfalz, Germany
Death: September 03, 1749 (68)
Dreisbach, Mettlach, SL, Germany
Immediate Family:

Daughter of Johann Georg Gras and Katharina Gras
Wife of Johann Peter Hoffmann
Mother of Nicolaus Hoffmann; Peter Hoffmann; Johann Hoffmann; Susanna Hoffmann and Anna Maria Buchheit
Sister of Elisabeth Gras; Anna Sophia Volk; Johannes Gras and Matthias Gras
Half sister of Johann Jakob Gras; Anna Kahl; Anna Gudula Kemp; Nikolaus Gras; Philipp Gras and 3 others

Managed by: Patrick Murad
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Anna Maria Hoffmann's Timeline

October 17, 1680
Bad Salzig, Rheinland-Pfalz, Germany
January 31, 1706
Kestert, Rheinland-Pfalz, Germany
September 16, 1708
Kestert, RP, Germany
September 3, 1749
Age 68
Dreisbach, Mettlach, SL, Germany
Kestert, Rheinland-Pfalz, Germany