Anna Marie Jamison

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Anna Marie Jamison (Hansen)

Death: January 1973 (95)
Immediate Family:

Daughter of Rasmus Christian Hansen and Agnetha Marie Nielsena Hansen
Sister of Jens Rasmus Hansen

Managed by: Patti Kay Gourley
Last Updated:

About Anna Marie Jamison

Anna Jamison taught in a number of American Missionary Association schools, including Chandler Normal School, Lexington, Kentucky; Ballard Normal School, Macon, Georgia; Tillotson College, Austin, Texas; Straight University, later Dillard University, New Orleans; and Tougaloo College, Tougaloo, Mississippi. In addition to correspondence with students and colleagues, the papers include notes, pamphlets, catalogues, class rolls, student newspapers, and press clippings.

Papers are located at Amistad Research Center, Tulane University, Tilton Hall, New Orleans, LA.

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Anna Marie Jamison's Timeline

June 16, 1877
January 1973
Age 95