Immediate Family
About Annette Margarethe Lukas
Annette "Anna" Margarethe LUKAS, née DRIESENS DRIESSEN: b. circa 1925, Gröningen - d. ?
N.B. On New York passenger listings her first name is given as either Annette or Anna but surname generally spelled as DRIESSEN.
There are numerous listings of what presumablymust be this individual as a "stewardess" on board ship.
Here just one example:
Anna Margaretha Driessen Female 25 1925 Dutch Immigration 1950 New York, New York, United States
Listed amongst crew members as "stewardess".
After the death of his second wife Paul married again.
3rd. wife: Annette "Anna" Margarethe DRIESENS/DRIESSEN
Paul Lukas, the stage and screen actor, and Miss Annette M. Driesens of Groningen, the Netherlands, were married here yesterday by Judge Irving I. Schreckinger in his chambers at Criminal Court. Mr. Lukas's first wife, Daisy, died last year. It was the bride's first marriage.
Some sources say that this couple was still married at the time of death, while others say that they were divorced.
The following basic data would seem to support the latter:
Name Anneke M Driesens
Art des Ereignisses Divorce
Datum des Ereignisses Jul 1968
Ereignisort Riverside, California
Ereignisort (original) Riverside
Name des Ehepartners Paul Lukacs
Though her first name given slightly different this would fit the couple.
Some sources state that Paul died a day after his "wife", while others give her death a day after her "husband". No details traced yet to confirm either.
Annette Margarethe Lukas's Timeline
1925 |
Groningen, Groningen, GR, Netherlands
???? |