Annie Agnes Fetterhoff

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Annie Agnes Fetterhoff (Showers) (1871 - 1913)

Birthplace: Gratz, Dauphin County, Pennsylvania, United States
Death: April 09, 1913 (41)
Tower City, Schuylkill County, Pennsylvania, United States (Lung Disease)
Place of Burial: Tower City, PA, United States
Immediate Family:

Daughter of William H Showers and Rebecca Showers
Wife of John Fetterhoff
Sister of Emma Clark Showers; Catherine Rebecca Showers; Elwood Showers; Mary McClada Kilpatrick; Henry A. Showers and 7 others

Managed by: William Thomas Bowman
Last Updated:
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Annie Agnes Fetterhoff's Timeline

August 6, 1871
Gratz, Dauphin County, Pennsylvania, United States
April 9, 1913
Age 41
Tower City, Schuylkill County, Pennsylvania, United States
Greenwood Cemetary, Tower City, PA, United States