Augustin Jayme Mariano Giner Giner

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Augustin Jayme Mariano Giner Giner's Geni Profile

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Augustin Jayme Mariano Giner Giner

Birthplace: Murla, , Alicante, Valencia, Espagne
Immediate Family:

Son of Augustin Bonaventura Antonio Giner Alvarado and Rosalea Antonia Maria Giner Llacer
Husband of Maria Teresa Reig Sendra
Father of Augustin Giner Reig
Brother of Jusepa Maria Rosalea Giner Giner; Jayme Vicente Mariano Giner Giner; Jayme Joseph Juan Giner Giner; Maria Antonia Pasquala Giner Giner and Antonia Giner Giner

Managed by: Lucien Jean Marie Llinares
Last Updated:
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Augustin Jayme Mariano Giner Giner's Timeline

August 15, 1766
Murla, , Alicante, Valencia, Espagne
August 15, 1766
Murla, , Alicante, Valencia, Espagne
March 19, 1801
Murla, , Alicante, Valencia, Espagne