Barbara Waldmann

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Barbara Waldmann

Birthplace: Kleinostheim, Unterfranken, BY, Germany
Death: May 06, 1862 (41)
Kleinostheim, Unterfranken, BY, Germany (Suizid)
Place of Burial: Kleinostheim, Unterfranken, BY, Germany
Immediate Family:

Daughter of Johann Waldmann and Anna Maria Waldmann
Ex-partner of N.N.; N.N.; N.N. and N.N.
Mother of Kordula Waldmann; Pankratius Waldmann; Agatha Waldmann and Walburga Hinkel
Sister of Leonhard Waldmann; Michael Waldmann; Johannes Waldmann; Margaretha Waldmann and Eva Mayer

Occupation: Arfbeiterin
Managed by: Tobias Rachor (C)
Last Updated:
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Barbara Waldmann's Timeline

January 17, 1821
Kleinostheim, Unterfranken, BY, Germany
April 10, 1845
Kleinostheim, Lower Franconia, Bavaria, Germany
January 9, 1848
Kleinostheim, Unterfranken, BY, Germany
April 22, 1859
Kleinostheim, Unterfranken, BY, Germany
November 2, 1860
Kleinostheim, Unterfranken, BY, Germany
May 6, 1862
Age 41
Kleinostheim, Unterfranken, BY, Germany
Kleinostheim, Unterfranken, BY, Germany