Barthena (Barthenia) Parmer

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Barthena (Barthenia) Parmer's Geni Profile

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Barthena (Barthenia) Parmer (1843 - 1931)

Birthplace: Shelby, Republic of texas
Death: October 13, 1931 (88)
Mineral Wells, Palo Pinto, Texas, United States
Immediate Family:

Daughter of William Cicero Parmer and Frances (Francis, Fannie) B. Parmer
Wife of Pleasant Henderson Price
Sister of Wilson Bose Parmer, Sr.; Martin van Buren Parmer, Sr.; Irena Currie; Acenith "Sena" Miles; Sarah Elizabeth (Betty) Richards and 6 others

Managed by: Private User
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Barthena (Barthenia) Parmer's Timeline

February 11, 1843
Shelby, Republic of texas
October 13, 1931
Age 88
Mineral Wells, Palo Pinto, Texas, United States