Beatrice Elizabeth Miller

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About Beatrice Elizabeth Miller


<p>Possible birth record</p><p><p>1885 Q2 Miller Beatrice Emily? S. Stoneham 2c 71 </p></p><p><p></p></p><p><p></p></p><p><p>1891 (census) (6)</p></p><p><p>[ Class: RG12; Piece: 928; Folio 5; Page 4 ]</p></p><p><p>Lived in 2 Albert Street, Millbrook, Hampshire</p></p><p><p></p></p><p><p>Household Members: </p></p><p><p>Name Age - relationship - occupation</p></p><p><p>

</p></p><p><p>Alice Miller 3 - granddaughter</p></p><p><p>Ann Miller 44 - wife</p></p><p><p>Ann Miller 17 - daughter - Laundress </p></p><p><p>Beatrice Miller 6 - daughter </p></p><p><p>Caroline Miller 21 - daughter - Laundress </p></p><p><p>Charles Miller 47 - head - Shp Stoker </p></p><p><p>Charles Miller 20 - son - Labourer </p></p><p><p>Eliza Miller 13 - daughter</p></p><p><p>George Miller10 - son</p></p><p><p>Gertrude M Miller 13 </p></p><p><p>Harry Miller 1 - son</p></p><p><p>Heber Miller 3 - daughter (an unclear Helen, transcribed as Heber?) </p></p><p><p></p></p><p><p>The following names are transcription errors (Briggs in 4 Albert Street transcribed as Millers!)</p><p><p></p></p><p><p>Emily Miller 48 </p></p><p><p>Florence Miller 8 </p></p><p><p>Frederick C Miller 3 </p></p><p><p>Henry S Miller 10 </p></p><p><p>-------------------------------------------------- </p></p><p><p></p></p><p><p></p></p><p><p>1901 (census) (16)</p></p><p><p>[Class: RG13; Piece: 1072; Folio: 172; Page: 22]</p></p><p><p>Lived in 12 Lion Street, Shirley, Hampshire.</p></p><p><p></p></p><p><p>Household Members: </p></p><p><p>Name Age - relationship - occupation</p></p><p><p>
</p></p><p><p>Caroline Carey 73 - mother-in-law, widow </p></p><p><p>Ann Miller 53 - wife</p></p><p><p>Beatrice E Miller 16 - daughter</p></p><p><p>Charles Miller 57 - head - Marine Sea Stoker </p></p><p><p>George A Miller 20 - son - Locomotive Fireman </p></p><p><p>Harry Miller 11 - son</p></p><p><p>Helen Miller 14 - daughter</p></p><p><p>-------------------------------------------------------- </p></p><p><p></p></p><p><p>1906 (from marriage cert) -</p></p><p><p>Lived in 24 Victoria Road, Freemantle, Hampshire.</p></p><p><p></p></p><p>1911 lived at 103 Campbell Road, Eastleigh (from birth cert. of Sydney)</p>

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Beatrice Elizabeth Miller's Timeline

Hampshire, England
Age 6
Millbrook, Hampshire, England
August 6, 1907
South Stoneham, Hampshire, England
April 2, 1911
Age 26
103. Campbell Road, Eastleigh, Hampshire, England
May 5, 1911
South Stoneham (103 Campbell Road), Eastleigh), Hampshire
October 28, 1920
Southampton, Hampshire
August 27, 1923
Southampton, Hampshire
June 12, 1925
Southampton, Hampshire
South Stoneham, Hampshire, England