Benjamin Shelton, Sr.

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About Benjamin Shelton, Sr.

In Amelia County, VA, in 1770; in Pittsylvania County, 1785; and in Caswell County, NC, 1790.


  • "From VA Vital Records #1 1600-1800 (Family Tree Maker CD #174),Broderbund, pages 259-260 of "Abstracts of VA Wills of Pittsylvania Co.,VA 1803-1860", printed in "The Magazine of History and Biography - The William and Mary Quarterly and Tylers Quarterly", will of Mary CLOCK,Parish of Nottoway, Amelia County, was dated 30 Jun 1750, probated 29 Aug 1770 (Mary had died in 1765). This document was witnessed by Crespen (sic) SHELTON, and John SHELTON. She named her "legitimate sons" Ralph Shelton, John Shelton, Crispen Shelton, Benjamin Shelton, James Shelton, and grandchildren Reuben Shelton and Patience Catesby BLOCKEY to whom she gave 1 shilling sterling. She gave her daughter Elizabeth DAVID (the name was actually DAVIS) the best of her wearing clothes, and her son Daniel Shelton and his heirs all the rest of her estate."
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Benjamin Shelton, Sr.'s Timeline

June 18, 1724
Middlesex County, Virginia, USA
July 12, 1724
Henry, Virginia, USA
VA, United States
Virginia, USA
Age 65
Caswell, North Carolina, United States
Age 65
Caswell, North Carolina, USA