Matching family tree profiles for Benjamin Snodgrass
Immediate Family
About Benjamin Snodgrass
"I give to my three sons Michael, Benjamin and Nathan one cow each and also all my land to be equally divided agreeable to quality and quantity. Michael is to have the middle part including the dwe lling house. Benjamin is to have the lower part and Nathan is to have the upper part and the said Michael, Benjamin and Nathan is to have firewood and timber to make rails each one from my part of the aforesaid land so long as they live."
Birth: ABT 1792 in , Monongalia, VA Death: 25 Mar 1853 in , Marion, VA
Will of William Snodgrass, written 7 Oct 1831, proved May Court 1832. Monongalia Co - 7 Oct 1831 -- Will Book 1, page 63: I, William Snodgrass of the county of Monongalia and state of Virginia do hereby make my las t will and testament in manner and form following that is to say, 1st I desire that all my just debts if any there be shall be paid out of the parishable part of my estate and funeral expences paid. After the payment of my debts an d funeral expenses I give to my wife Barbara one cow and one horse creature. 3rd I give to my three sons Michael, Benjamin and Nathan one cow each and also all my land to be equally divided agreeable to quality and quantity. Michael is to have the middle part including the dwe lling house. Benjamin is to have the lower part and Nathan is to have the upper part and the said Michael, Benjamin and Nathan is to have firewood and timber to make rails each one from my part of the aforesaid land so long as they live. 4thly, I give to my son William Snodgra ss one cow---. I give to my son Isaac Snodgrass one dollar and fifty cents. 6thly I give to my grandsons William, Jeremiah, Lemuel and Francis Snodgrass heirs of my son Francis deceas ed one dollar each, all the foregoing legacies to be enjoyed by them and their heirs and assigns forever. 7thly all the rest of the estate of whatsoever and it may be I give to my two daughters Martha Hawkins, Isabella Satterfield to be possessed and enjoyed by them and their heirs forever. And lastly I do hereby constitute and appoint David Musgrave and my son Michael Snodgrass executors of this my last will and testament hereby revoking all other or form er wills or testament by me heretofore made. In witness where unto set my hand and seal thi s 7 day of Oct 1831. William Snodgrass (seal)
Marion Co Death Records Vol. 1, 1853-1863 Author: compiled by Kathleen Mahaffey Bogdan Publication: publ. 1984 by Marion Co Genealogy Club, Fairmont, WV Page: p. 29 Note: 1853 - Benjamin Snodgrass d. Mar 25; age not given; born Monongalia County; parents Willia m & Barbara.
- Reference: FamilySearch Genealogy - SmartCopy: Nov 8 2019, 14:51:28 UTC
Benjamin Snodgrass's Timeline
1791 |
June 5, 1791
Monongalia Co., Virginia (now WV)
1853 |
March 25, 1853
Age 61
Marion Co., Virginia (Wv in 1863)