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Benjamin Franklin Walter

Дата рождения:
Место рождения: Baltimore, Maryland, United States (США)
Смерть: 04 августа 1962 (68)
Baltimore, Maryland, United States (США)
Место погребения: Baltimore, Baltimore County, Maryland, United States
Ближайшие родственники:

Сын John Walter и Mary Frances Walter
Муж Florence Estelle Walter
Отец Harry Dudley Walter; Howard Parish Walter и Lillian Frances Walter
Брат John A Walter; Viola Walter; Barberella Walter; Catherine Walter; Laura Walter и ещё 2

Менеджер: Patricia Ann Clark
Последнее обновление:

About Benjamin Franklin Walter

Married to Florence Estelle Waggner. Fathered three children, Harry Dudley, Howard Parish and Lillian Frances. More commonly known as Frank Walter. He worked for the City of Baltimore for many years. He was the youngest of eight children born to John Walter and Mary Frances White.

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Хронология Benjamin Franklin Walter

27 апреля 1894
Baltimore, Maryland, United States (США)
15 ноября 1915
Baltimore, Maryland, United States (США)
4 августа 1962
Возраст 68
Baltimore, Maryland, United States (США)
Gardens of Faith Cemetery, Baltimore, Baltimore County, Maryland, United States (США)