SSN: 493-24-9701
This story was written on March 5, 2009 …
Grandma Schneider was a wonderful person. I remember from a very early age being at her house for everything. I love to play in her backyard. The big tree in the back with the white fluffy balls is still a fond memory of mine, which is still my favorite tree (even if I don’t know the name of it).
Easter and Christmas are the two holidays that stick out in my mind the most. The whole family would gather together and celebrate. I recall having Easter egg hunts in that backyard. Christmas was full of fund, love, and presents! Santa would come and we all took turns sitting on his lap and telling him what we wanted. I don’t know about anyone else, but I never figured out who it really was (at that time). And who could forget Darryl Schneider Jr. eating the bright red apples (ornaments) off the tree.
Grandma was such a loving person and always knew how to make you feel special. When I was with her she had a great way of getting me to do things for her. For example … she told me that I made the best ice water and I feel for it every time and would get it for her. LOL. I thought she was amazing that she always knew when the next slug bug was coming up over the next hill. When I would go to visit her we went to Steak N Shake and she ordered the chili mac. I love going with her.
I don’t want to leave out the front yard … how about the big tree that we all climbed and if I remember right someone broke their leg climbing that thing. Then of course, who could forget “base?” The street lamp that was in the front yard, we used it for base during tag many of times.
In 1996 I was graduating from high school and pregnant with my lovely little girl when grandma passed away. At that time grandma had diabetes and heart failure. I wish I had more information about that, but I’M sure someone else can fill in the blanks. I often think about how I should have visited her more in the last year especially. I was young when I got pregnant and I know that she worried about that. I didn’t like and still don’t like being the one to make her worry. I do know that she is pleased that I at least finished high school first.
As you can see, it’s the small things that have meant so much to me.
Tina Connolly (Schneider)
Daughter of Darryl Schneider, son of Grandma Schneider (Betty)