Charles John GRIFFITHS

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Charles John GRIFFITHS

Birthplace: South Melbourne, Victoria, Australia
Death: July 20, 1967 (88)
Caulfield, Victoria, Australia
Place of Burial: Springvale, Greater Dandenong City, Victoria, Australia
Immediate Family:

Son of Charles John SLY and Margaret SMITH
Husband of Louisa Isabella BAILEY
Father of Thelma Jean GRIFFITHS; Private; Charles Lindsay GRIFFITHS; Private; Private and 2 others
Brother of Albert Edward GRIFFITHS; Margaret Elizabeth GRIFFITHS; Isabell Jene GRIFFITHS and Elsie Maude GRIFFITHS

Managed by: sammyc
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Immediate Family

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Charles John GRIFFITHS's Timeline

June 6, 1879
South Melbourne, Victoria, Australia
Essendon, Victoria, Australia
February 18, 1921
Leongatha, Victoria, Australia
Age 41
Arawata, Victoria, Australia