1. He was born in his parents home at 1101 Vine St, Philadelphia, PA and lived there until leaving to attend Penn State in 1886.
2. He was confirmed April 10, 1881, in the St. Michael's and Zion Lutheran Evangelical Church in Philadelphia, PA.
3. He went to Penn State with his brother William in 1886.
4. He remained at Penn State for 6 years, two of which he spent in a preparatory school.
5. He was a co founder of and a member of Penn State's first football team, playing from 1887-1891. The first football was introduced by George Linsz from Philadelphia. Charles and George Linsz went to the president of Penn State in 1887 and persuaded him to allow them to start a football team. He played right guard. Penn State's first football game was against Bucknell University, which Penn State won 54-0. He was one of a very few 5-year letterman.
6. He was an extremely hard hitter.
7. Charles also was a member of the baseball and track teams at Penn State. He took first place in the shot-put and second place in the hammer throw.
8. He graduated from Penn State with a degree in chemistry in 1892.
9. He was the best man for his sister Emma's wedding on July 12, 1893. It was so hot, he almost passed out.
10. After leaving Penn State, Charles went to Pottstown, PA, where he was employed by Pottstown Steel Company until it closed. After this, he returned to Penn State where he coached the football team for a year.
11. After leaving Penn State again, he owned a baker's shop at 20th & Montrose Sts. in Philadelphia. At the same time, he played football for the Pennsylvania Railroad YMCA's team.
12. His next job was working with a friend who owned the Hinley Fibre Co. in NY. Next he was employed by the Elk Tanning Co. in Ridgeway, PA. Elk sent him to Wisconsin where he remained until his parents death.
13. In 1909, he purchased property at 742 E. Chelten Ave, near Chew Ave, Germantown, PA. There he set-up an ice cream parlor and bakery. One of his most famous products was Brunswick cakes. These were sort of a gingerbread covered with lots of chocolate.
14. In the 1920 census, Charles was listed with Hannah, as well as three of his nieces. They were Emma (21), Edna (17), and Marie (14). Emma's occupation was listed as working for Charles.
15. He retired in 1945.
16. Active in numerous civic and business organizations throughout his life. He was a charter member of the Lion's Club of Germantown and also served a president of the Germantown Businessmen's Association in 1933.
17. Charter member of Wagner Masonic Lodge in Germantown.
18. President of the Philadelphia Chapter of the Penn State Alumni Club for 6 yrs.
19. He died in Chestnut Hill Hospital in Philadelphia, PA at 7:10 AM.
20. The service was at 2:00 PM. at Kirk and Nice, 6301 Germantown Avenue.
21. He is buried in Ivy Hill Cemetery, Germantown, PA in Mausoleum A. Charles' and Hanna's tombs are on the immediate right as one enters through the door. Death certificate # 3688, signed February 23, 1950.
Article in the 250th Anniversary of the Settlement of Germantown, PA (1933)
Under the Business Men's Association Typed as written in the book.
The present head of the Business Men's Association of Germantown has an agreeable and constructive personality that fits well with the aims of that worthy organization and he would be included in any selection of representative men of the Community.
Mr. Hildebrand is a graduate of Penn State College, class of '92 in Chemistry and after sixteen years as a chemist with several of our large corporations, in 1909 decided to embark in the fancy cake and ice cream business. He is a member of many prominent clubs and has always been actively interested in local welfare and relief work, having received the only citation ever issued by Henry H. Houston 2nd, Post No. 3 for "Distinguished Service."
The fancy cake and ice cream business he has built up at Chew and Chelten avenue could be possibly only with exceptional products, and the keynote of the rapid growth without asking the extreme price that a higher overhead might demand. Deliveries are made every day and Sunday of orders received during the week.
Chew and Chelten Avenue
One obituary reads:
C. C. Hildebrand
Dies at Age of 84
He was on Penn State's
First Football Team
Charles Conrad Hildebrand, retired ice cream manufacturer and a member of Penn State's first football team in 1887, died last night in Chestnut Hill Hospital. He was 84. Mr. Hildebrand, who lived at 5848 Stockton road, had been active in affairs at Penn State for many years and was a trustee. Born in this city, he was the son of the late William Hildebrand, ice cream manufacturer, who operated his business at 11th and Vine St., and the late Christiana Aschenbach. Mr. Hildebrand had operated his own bakery and ice cream business on Chelten Ave., near Chew St., for 40 years. He retired five years ago.
Recalled First Football Games
His wife, the former Hannah Bates, was past regent of the Order of the Eastern Star of Philadelphia. Recalling the early days of football at Penn State, Mr. Hildebrand declared: "Those days were something. We had no pads, and our uniforms hardly could be called that. We did have canvas jackets which soccer players used and we wore white tennis shoes. I can't forget the white flannel knickerbockers that the village tailor had made especially for us. Black stockings, no pads-yes, those were the days."
Headed Business Men
Mr. Hildebrand continued his interest in Penn State football and attended many of its games. He was a member of the Penn State Club of Philadelphia, a member of several Masonic organizations, past president of the Germantown Business Men's Association, and a member of the Germantown Lions Club. He was also an honorary member of the Henry H. Houston 2d, Post, American Legion, of Germantown. Surviving, besides his wife, are two brothers, William, of Germantown, and Harry, of Pottstown.
1866 |
November 7, 1866
Philadelphia, Philadelphia County, PA, Philadelphia, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, United States
1950 |
February 23, 1950
Age 83
Philadelphia, Philadelphia County, PA, Philadelphia, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, United States
???? |
Ivy Hill Cemetery, Germantown, PA, Germantown, Pennsylvania, United States