Charles Philippe Vanhaelst

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Charles Philippe Vanhaelst

Birthplace: Wakken, 8720, Dentergem, West-VL., BE
Death: May 29, 1826 (73)
Dentergem, 8720, , West-VL., BE
Immediate Family:

Son of Joseph Van Aelst and Maria Francisca Daveloose
Husband of Josiane Cecilia Lawaisse and Isabella Catharina Minne
Father of Rosalia Van Haelst; Jean Philippe Vanhaelst; Sophie Vanhaelst and Eugenie Vanhaelst
Brother of Jan Frans van Aalst; Eugeen Van Haelst and Joanna Francisca Van Haelst

Managed by: Private User
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Charles Philippe Vanhaelst's Timeline

May 7, 1753
Wakken, 8720, Dentergem, West-VL., BE
May 14, 1753
Wakken, 8720, Dentergem, West-VL., BE
February 10, 1782
Dentergem, 8720, , West-VL., BE
November 11, 1784
Dentergem, 8720, , West-VL., BE
January 16, 1788
Dentergem, 8720, , West-VL., BE
December 20, 1791
Dentergem, 8720, , West-VL., BE
May 29, 1826
Age 73
Dentergem, 8720, , West-VL., BE