Valerian Sulakowski, a military officer during the U.S. Civil War, fought in the Battle of Gettysburg, served as an engineer and Colonel of the (Polish Brigade) 14th Louisiana Infantry and later as Chief Engineer to Major-General John Bankhead Magruder.
We are grieved to learn of the death of Col. Valery Sulakowski, which occurred on Thursday morning at his residence in this city, from apoplexy.
A native of Poland and educated for a military career, he distinguished himself from his youth for his undaunted courage, genius and strict attention to duty.
Col. Sulakowski has resided among us for the last 22 years, and has always borne an irreproachable character.
Compelled to leave his native country owing to the cruel despotism of Russia, he first settled in Houma, Terrebonne Parish, in this State, where he devoted his attention to surveying and civil engineering.
He afterwards removed to this city, where he married an accomplished American lady belonging to one of our most respected families.
When the war for the independence of the South broke out, Col. Sulakowski organized a brigade, and under the Confederate standard led his gallant men in many a bloody battle in Virginia.
He was not only a soldier, but a gentleman possessing a bright intellect and rare literary acquirements, and was thorough conversant with several ancient and modern languages.
At the time of his demise, he was in the service of the United States as survey. In his death, the State has lost a good citizen, his family a kind guardian, and the world a valiant man.
Walerian Sułakowski (ur. 1827, zm. 1873) – weteran Wiosny Ludów na Węgrzech, żołnierz Józefa Bema, pułkownik wojsk Konfederacji w Ameryce, inżynier. W czasie wojny secesyjnej walczyl w bitwach pod Gettysburgiem i pod Sabine Pass.
Po upadku rewolucji na Węgrzech (1848–1849), gdzie służył w korpusie inżynieryjnym Józefa Bema, wyemigrował do Stanów Zjednoczonych i już w 1849 roku pojawił się w Nowym Orleanie. Działacze polonijni – Kasper Tochman, Ignacy Szymański i Hipolit Oladowski – powitali go jak bohatera i udzielili mu pomocy w pierwszym okresie pobytu w USA. Działał społecznie na rzecz polskich emigrantów w Nowym Orleanie. W chwili wybuchu wojny secesyjnej (1861–1865) otrzymał stopień pułkownika i dowództwo Polskiej Brygady 14 pułku piechoty. Wspólnie z Tochmanem organizował i wyekwipował ten pułk, który działał w składzie Brygady Tygrysów z Luizjany. Z dowódcy pułku awansował na stanowisko szefa inżynierów u boku generała-majora Johna Magrudera. Po klęsce Konfederacji pracował jako inżynier.
Zmarł w 1873 roku.
1827 |
1873 |
June 19, 1873
Age 46
New Orleans, Orleans Parish, Louisiana, United States
June 19, 1873
Age 46
Girod Street Cemetery (Defunct), New Orleans, Orleans Parish, Louisiana, United States