Cornelius Jones (died young)

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Cornelius Jones, Jr.

Also Known As: "Twin of Ichabod", "died young"
Birthplace: Bristol, Bristol County, Rhode Island, United States
Death: July 16, 1694 (8 months)
Bristol, Bristol County, Rhode Island, United States
Immediate Family:

Son of Cornelius Jones and Mercy Gonzales
Brother of Ichabod Jones
Half brother of Charles Gonzales

Managed by: Erica Howton
Last Updated:
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Immediate Family

About Cornelius Jones (died young)

Cornelius Jones Jr was born to Cornelius Jones and Mercy Cory Rhode island. Cornelius Jones Jr has A twin brother Ichabod Jones.


Describe The Record (Notes)
ID# G4YK-P5T This Cornelius Jones Married Abigail Hawkes 4/22/1729. He was born in NH and they moved to Maine. All of their children were born in Maine.

ID# L777-PT3 belongs to a Cornelius Jones born 1 Nov 1693 in Bristol, RH. He was buried 16 Jul 1694 in Bristol, RH. His parents were Cornelius and Mercy Jones.

ID# LCMX-BCD is Cornelios Jones who married an Abigal. All of their children were born in Dighton, Bristol, MA (Including Elijah Jones born 11 April 1725 in Dighton, Bristol, MA)


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Cornelius Jones (died young)'s Timeline

November 1, 1693
Bristol, Bristol County, Rhode Island, United States
July 16, 1694
Bristol, Bristol County, Rhode Island, United States