David Dovid Tevel Tebele Baharier Baharir

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David Dovid Tevel Tebele Baharier Baharir (Baharir)

Hebrew: דוד טבל בהריר
Birthplace: Zdunska Wola, Zduńska Wola County, Łódź Voivodeship, Poland
Death: Łęczyca, Łódzkie, Poland
Immediate Family:

Son of R' Zechariah Baharir of Zdunska Wola and Hana Glika Beharyer/ Bergier Bacharier
Husband of Sura Ruchla Baharier
Father of Chanoch Jacob (Yaakov Chanoch Henich) Baharir; Hinda Kleinlerer; Menachem Mendel Baharir and Frumet Kilbert
Brother of Moses Joshua Baharir; Yaakov Naftali Zvi Baharir, of Rozprza; Pauline Pesse Zuckermann; Reszel Bacharier; Salomon Zalman Baharir Bacharier and 8 others

Managed by: Private User
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About David Dovid Tevel Tebele Baharier Baharir

alternative birth location: Łęczyca, Łódzkie, Polska (Poland)

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David Dovid Tevel Tebele Baharier Baharir's Timeline

Zdunska Wola, Zduńska Wola County, Łódź Voivodeship, Poland
łęczyca, łęczycki, województwo łódzkie, Poland
Łęczyca, Łódzkie, Poland