David Reichert Heydt

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David Reichert Heydt (1819 - 1906)

Birthplace: Berks County, Pennsylvania, USA
Death: June 01, 1906 (86)
District Township, Berks County, Pennsylvania, USA
Place of Burial: Hill Church Union Cemetery, Boyertown, Berks County, Pennsylvania, USA
Immediate Family:

Husband of Elizabeth Haydt
Father of Peter Frey Heydt

Managed by: Kathleen Ann Delp
Last Updated:

About David Reichert Heydt

Was a Forgeman and Farmer. Later a Yeoman. Father was Jacob Heydt, Mother was Maria Reichert. Died of liver trouble and jaundice. Age 86

Name: David Heydt
Birth Date: October 5, 1819
Birth County: Berks
Birth State: Pennsylvania
Death Date: June 1, 1906
Death Township: District
Death County: Berks
Death State: Pennsylvania
Father's Name: Jacob Heydt
Father's Birth County: Berks
Father's Birth State: Pennsylvania
Mother's Name: Maria Reichert
Mother's Birth County: Berks
Mother's Birth State: Pennsylvania
Informant's Name: John F. Heydt, son
Occupation: Forgeman and Farmer
Marital Status: Widower
Age: 86Y - 7M - 21D
Gender: Male
Race: White
Cause Of Death: Liver Trouble and Jaindice -- Old Age
Burial Location: Hill Church Union Cemetery
Burial Date: June 6, 1906
Death Certificate Number: 52368
Researcher: Richard Parker
Source Citation: Pennsylvania Historic and Museum Commission; Harrisburg, Pennsylvania; Pennsylvania (State). Death certificates, 1906–1967; Certificate Number Range: 052331-055640. --- Source Information: Ancestry.com. Pennsylvania, Death Certificates, 1906-1967 [database on-line]. Provo, UT, USA: Ancestry.com Operations, Inc., 2014. --- Original data: Pennsylvania (State). Death certificates, 1906–1963. Series 11.90 (1,905 cartons). Records of the Pennsylvania Department of Health, Record Group 11. Pennsylvania Historical and Museum Commission, Harrisburg, Pennsylvania. --- Description: Pennsylvania’s Department of Health started keeping statewide death records on January 1, 1906. Now you can find them in this collection.* Reference: Find A Grave Memorial - SmartCopy: Aug 13 2023, 12:30:05 UTC

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David Reichert Heydt's Timeline

October 15, 1819
Berks County, Pennsylvania, USA
June 5, 1860
District Township, Berks County, Pennsylvania, USA
June 1, 1906
Age 86
District Township, Berks County, Pennsylvania, USA
Hill Church Union Cemetery, Boyertown, Berks County, Pennsylvania, USA