Dorothea Elisabeth Bazancourt

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Dorothea Elisabeth Bazancourt (Koch)

Death: 1811
Lenzenhof Relais (Postierung), Lenči, Raiskuma pagasts, Pārgauja Municipality, Latvia
Immediate Family:

Daughter of Peter Christian Koch
Wife of Johann Jacob Bazancourt
Mother of Eleonora Elisabeth Schleyer; Anna Dorothea Bazancourt; Beata Helena Haas; Johann Gottlieb Bazancourt; Eva Louise* Schulze and 1 other
Sister of Beata Catharina Schultz

Managed by: Private User
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About Dorothea Elisabeth Bazancourt

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Dorothea Elisabeth Bazancourt's Timeline

August 12, 1776
Lenzenhof Relais (Postierung), Lenči, Raiskuma pagasts, Pārgauja Municipality, Latvia
October 19, 1778
Lenzenhof Relais (Postierung), Lenči, Raiskuma pagasts, Pārgauja Municipality, Latvia
February 5, 1780
Lenzenhof Relais (Postierung), Lenči, Raiskuma pagasts, Pārgauja Municipality, Latvia
May 11, 1781
Lenzenhof Relais (Postierung), Lenči, Raiskuma pagasts, Pārgauja Municipality, Latvia
May 17, 1782
Lenzenhof Relais (Postierung), Lenči, Raiskuma pagasts, Pārgauja Municipality, Latvia
January 1784
Lenzenhof Postierung, Lenči, Raiskuma pagasts, Latvia
Lenzenhof Relais (Postierung), Lenči, Raiskuma pagasts, Pārgauja Municipality, Latvia