Dr. Aleksey Alexandroff

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Dr. Aleksey Alexandroff

Russian: доктор Алексей Яковлевич Александров
Also Known As: "Alex / Alexander Alexandrow"
Birthplace: Moscow / Москва, Московская губерния, Европейская Россия, Russian Empire
Death: February 16, 1951 (67)
Abez', Gorod Inta, Komi Republic, Russia (Russian Federation) (Умер в ГУЛАГЕ)
Place of Burial: Abez', Gorod Inta, Komi Republic, Russia
Immediate Family:

Son of Яков Alexandroff and Frau von Olga Alexandroff
Husband of Private
Father of Private

Occupation: доктор фармации, провизор
Managed by: Dr. Aleksey Pogrebnoj-Alexandroff
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Dr. Aleksey Alexandroff's Timeline

March 17, 1883
Moscow / Москва, Московская губерния, Европейская Россия, Russian Empire
February 16, 1951
Age 67
Abez', Gorod Inta, Komi Republic, Russia (Russian Federation)
Е-33, Abez', Gorod Inta, Komi Republic, Russia (Russian Federation)