Dr jur Tillmann Wilhelm Carstens

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Dr jur Tillmann Wilhelm Carstens's Geni Profile

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Dr jur Tillmann Wilhelm Carstens

Birthplace: Bremen, Bremen, Germany
Death: December 30, 1902 (65)
Bremen, Bremen, Germany
Place of Burial: Bremen, Bremen, Germany
Immediate Family:

Son of Friedrich Henrich Carstens and Antoniette Carstens
Husband of Emma Franziska Julie Carstens and Lucie Charlotte Sophie Noltenius
Father of Emma Julie Noel; Anna Antoniette Rebecca Kulenkampff; Marie Theodora Dreier and Friedrich Wilhelm Hermann Carstens
Brother of Friedrich Heinrich Carstens and Rebecca Magdalena Carstens

Occupation: Advocate; Police Secretary; Public Prosecutor in Bremen
Managed by: Elimar H F Hackmann
Last Updated:
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Dr jur Tillmann Wilhelm Carstens's Timeline

July 12, 1837
Bremen, Bremen, Germany
January 14, 1867
Bremen, Bremen, Germany
August 4, 1868
Bremen, Bremen, Germany
October 12, 1882
Bremen, Bremen, Germany
February 3, 1885
Bremen, Bremen, Germany
December 30, 1902
Age 65
Bremen, Bremen, Germany
January 1903
Age 65
Bremen, Bremen, Germany