+759 Ebenezer Goodnow /7, b. Dec. 7, 1814; d. Cottage City, Mass., Jan. 2, 1891 ; m. Polly Eger, Sept. 15, 1836. Resided Shelburne Falls, Mass.
+759 Ebenezer Goodnow /7 Lamson (Silas /6, Nathaniel /5, Thomas /4, Thomas /3, John /2, William10, was born at Sterling, Mass., Dec. 7, 1814, and died at Cottage City, Mass., Jan. 2, 1891. He married Polly Eager, daughter of Uriah and Nancy (Fairbanks) Eager of Sterling, Mass., Sept. 15, 1836; she was born at Sterling, Mass., Jan. i, 1827, and died at Brookline, Mass., Oct. 2, 1892.
Ebenezer Goodnow Lamson lived in Shelbume Falls, Mass. He was the President and largest stockholder of the Lamson & Goodnow Manufacturing Co., manufacturers of cutlery at Shelburne Falls, employing 400 to 500 persons. During the war of the Rebellion he manufactured muskets for the government at Windsor, Vt. He invented a lock, which was adoptedat the Springfield Armory, and many other machines. He was a gentleman of wealth and culture, and of the highest character and standing, whose manner instantly impressed all who approached him, by its unpretending grace and dignity. Both he and his wife are buried at Shelburne Falls, Mass.
Children of Ebenezer /7 Goodnow and Polly (Eager) Lamson, born at Shelburne Falls, Mass. :
1238 Flora Mandana,® b. Jan. 7, 1840; d. Feb. i, 1916, Newton, Mass. Buried at Shelburne Falls. Miss Lamson was actively interested in the compilation of the Lamson Genealogy, and gave a great deal of assistance to the author in gathering material for the book. She had expressed the wish many times that she might live to see it pubhshed. Her enthusiasm in untangHng the various knotty genealogical problems which arose was contagious, and her judgment was always excellent.
+1239 Eastburn Ebenezer, b. Feb. 3, 1843;m. Martha Wardner, June 22, 1865; d. Sept, 11, 1916, Plainfield, N. J.
1240 Allen Walter, b. July 2, 1849; d. Sept. 15, 1849.
1241 Florence Nancy, b. Aug. 15, 1850; m. Rev. Orrin Phillips Gifford, June 26, 1877, in Shelbume Falls, Mass. He was Pastor of the Delaware Avenue Baptist Church at Buffalo, N. Y. He was born at Montague, Mass., April 15, 1847, and was the son of Phillip Russell and Parthenia (Perkins) Gifford. Their children were: (1) Flora Sawyer, b. Boston, Mass., Jan. 4, 1880. (2) Mary Eager, b. Boston, Mass., Aug. 21, 1881. (3) Orrin Phillip, b. Boston, Mass., May 14, 1885. (4) Paul Lamson, b. Boston, Mass., Sept. 27, 1889.
+1242 Allan Gray, b. March 19, 1859, m. (1) Martha W. Johnson, 1880; m. (2) Helene Frances Burgess, 1897.
He died at Cottage City (modern Oak Bluffs), Dukes County, Massachusetts.
1814 |
December 7, 1814
Sterling, Worchester, Massachusetts, United States
1840 |
January 7, 1840
Shelburne Falls, Franklin, Massachusetts, USA
1843 |
February 3, 1843
Shelburne, Franklin, Massachusetts, USA
1849 |
July 2, 1849
Shelburne, Franklin, Massachusetts, USA
1850 |
August 15, 1850
Shelburne, Franklin, Massachusetts, USA
1859 |
March 19, 1859
Shelburne Falls, MA, United States
1881 |
January 2, 1881
Age 66
Martha's Vineyard
1891 |
Age 66
Arms Cemetery, Shelburne Falls, Franklin County, Massachusetts, USA