Patriot of the American Revolution BROWN, ELIJAHAncestor #: A015407 Service: MASSACHUSETTS Rank(s): PATRIOTIC SERVICE Birth: 8-4-1730 WATERTOWN MIDDLESEX CO MASSACHUSETTS Death: 12-18-1819 STOCKBRIDGE BERKSHIRE CO MASSACHUSETTS Service Source: JOURNALS OF MA PROVINCIAL CONGRESS, 1774-1775, PP 83, 276 Service Description: 1) MEMBER OF 2ND AND 3RD PROVINCIAL CONGRESS, 1775
RESIDENCE Created: 2002-04-29 10:43:51.06, Updated: , By: MHALL 1) City: STOCKBRIDGE - County: BERKSHIRE CO - State: MASSACHUSETTS
SPOUSE Number Name
Created: 2002-03-27 23:17:13.16, Updated: 2002-03-27 23:17:13.16, By: Conversion 1) SARAH WHITTLESEY Created: 2002-03-27 23:17:13.16, Updated: 2002-03-27 23:17:13.16, By: Conversion 2) PHEBE NASH
1730 |
August 4, 1730
Watertown, Middlesex County, MA, United States
1764 |
1767 |
Massachusetts, United States
1769 |
April 17, 1769
Richmond, Berkshire County, Massachusetts, United States
1771 |
1773 |
March 3, 1773
Massachusetts, United States
1775 |
February 1775
Massachusetts, United States
1819 |
December 18, 1819
Age 89
Stockbridge, Berkshire County, Massachusetts, United States