Elisabeth Catharina Moolman

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Elisabeth Catharina Moolman (Cronje) (1865 - 1928)

Birthplace: Ladysmith, Natal, South Africa
Death: November 06, 1928 (63)
Weenen, Natal, South Africa
Immediate Family:

Daughter of Abraham Marthinus Cronje and Susanna Maria Cronje
Wife of Francois Daniel Moolman
Sister of Conrad Lucas Cronje; Catharina Margaretha van Wyk; Carel Pieter Cronje; Dirk Cornelius Cronje; Hermanus Bernardus Cronje and 4 others
Half sister of Pieter Cronjé; Christiaan Jacobus Cronje; Maria Elizabeth Landman; Jacoba Johanna Cronje; Abraham Marthinus Cronje and 1 other

Managed by: Adriaan Roedolf Swanepoel, a1b6c...
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Elisabeth Catharina Moolman's Timeline

April 16, 1865
Ladysmith, Natal, South Africa
September 3, 1865
Ladysmith, Natal, South Africa
November 6, 1928
Age 63
Weenen, Natal, South Africa