Elizabeth Pruden

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Elizabeth Pruden

Birthplace: Fort Alexander, Ruperts Land
Death: circa January 1832 (13-30) (Lost west of the Rocky Mountains)
Immediate Family:

Daughter of HBC Chief Factor John Peter Pruden and Nancy Patasagawisk
Wife of John Edward Harriott, Sr
Mother of Margaret Harriott
Sister of William Pruden, Sr.; Charlotte Pruden; Peter Peter Pruden; Marie Pruden; Cornelius Pruden and 4 others

Managed by: Stephanie Loeffert Albright
Last Updated:

About Elizabeth Pruden

I.S. McLaren recounts the story in “Guide to People and Places in Kane’s Journal,” American Art Journal 21, no. 2 (1989): 74,

“Harriott married three times. His first wife, Elizabeth, suffered bouts of madness, the last of which struck her in 1832 as she was crossing Athabasca Pass. She wandered from the trail, never to be seen again; likely she is the “Gentalmans wife” referred to by Kane on November 2, 1847. She did not have her newborn baby [whom McLaren posits might have been Margaret Harriott who married John Rowand Jr. see below] with her when she disappeared, and the child managed to survive the trip to Fort Edmonton.”

Elizabeth was John Harriott's cousin.

Note: The following is from "John Peter Pruden Family Tree Site".

Elizabeth, the first wife of John Edward Harriott, wandered off into a snow storm and was never found. Common records now name her as Margaret.

Did JPP have a daughter Margaret?

Was this an error that has been repeated in the telling of the story? 

Records point to JEH's wife's name as Elizabeth, not Margaret.

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Elizabeth Pruden's Timeline

Fort Alexander, Ruperts Land
June 5, 1831
January 1832
Age 22