Ellie Sophia Korff, Deetlefs

Vereeniging, Sedibeng, GP, South Africa

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Ellie Sophia Korff, Deetlefs (van der Merwe)

Death: 1997 (95-96)
Vanderbijlpark, Sedibeng, GP, South Africa
Immediate Family:

Daughter of Stephanus Jakobus Van der Merwe and Maria Elizabeth Van der Merwe
Wife of Jakob Johannes Jakobus
Mother of Jakob Johannes Jacobus Korff
Sister of Samuel Jacobus van der Merwe; Johannes Petrus van der Merwe; Willem Hendrik van der Merwe and Dina Maria van der Merwe

Managed by: Hester Helena Wolmarans
Last Updated:
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Ellie Sophia Korff, Deetlefs's Timeline

November 14, 1922
Age 96
Vanderbijlpark, Sedibeng, GP, South Africa