Ellsworth Minton "Ells" OUTWIN

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Ellsworth Minton "Ells" OUTWIN (1912 - 1977)

Birthplace: Chicago, Illinois
Death: April 20, 1977 (64)
Bemidji, Minnesota, USA
Place of Burial: Bemidji, Beltrami County, Minnesota, United States of America
Immediate Family:

Son of John Ellsworth Outwin and Florence Mable Outwin
Brother of Bette Joyce OUTWIN; William Edward OUTWIN; Donald Clark OUTWIN and Robert Warren Outwin

Managed by: Paul Eric Broneer
Last Updated:

About Ellsworth Minton "Ells" OUTWIN


Had no children
May have had a child ?
a grave marker in Restlawn MP in Muskegon reads: Angel Ellswort
h W. Outwin 1949 -1949

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Ellsworth Minton "Ells" OUTWIN's Timeline

November 15, 1912
Chicago, Illinois
June 11, 1916
Age 3
Oak Park, Illinois, USA
Age 45
Bemidji, Minnesota, USA
April 20, 1977
Age 64
Bemidji, Minnesota, USA
Bemidji, Beltrami County, Minnesota, United States of America