Emilie / Milly Miriam Victor

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Emilie / Milly Miriam Victor (Bach)

Birthplace: Ulm, Tübingen, Baden-Württemberg, Germany
Death: November 28, 1940 (58)
Durban, South Africa
Place of Burial: Durban
Immediate Family:

Daughter of Joseph Bach and Lina Bach
Wife of Siegmund Victor
Mother of Robert Joseph Victor and Otto Jakob Victor
Sister of Leo Jehudah Bach; Theodor David Bach; Alfred Meschulam Bach; Lydia Cheileh Levinger; Erwin Moscheh Bach and 1 other

Managed by: Alexandra Elizabeth Bryk
Last Updated:
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Emilie / Milly Miriam Victor's Timeline

October 22, 1882
Ulm, Tübingen, Baden-Württemberg, Germany
December 17, 1904
Heilbronn, BW, Germany
August 18, 1907
November 28, 1940
Age 58
Durban, South Africa
Stellawood Cemetery, Durban