Emma Hulda Elise Oehmichen

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Emma Hulda Elise Oehmichen

Birthplace: Berlin, Berlin, Deutschland
Immediate Family:

Daughter of Christian Gotthilf Oehmichen and Emilie Luise Albertine Rakow
Wife of Otto Julius Spieker
Mother of Private; Frieda Bertha Spieker; Paul Albert Spieker; Emma Emilie Erna Spieker and Elsbeth Johanna Spieker
Sister of Karl Gustav Oehmichen; Auguste Pauline Oehmichen and Emma Therese Henriette Oehmichen

Managed by: Kevin Groß
Last Updated:
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Emma Hulda Elise Oehmichen's Timeline

August 7, 1869
Berlin, Berlin, Deutschland
August 22, 1869
Berlin, Brandenburg, Preußen
July 19, 1892
Berlin, Berlin, Deutschland
July 17, 1893
Berlin, Berlin, Deutschland
June 30, 1894
Berlin, Berlin, Deutschland
Berlin, Berlin, Deutschland