Eva (Chawa) Yenta Kurtzer Goldfuss

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Eva (Chawa) Yenta Kurtzer Goldfuss (Gelfand) (1878 - 1962)

Birthplace: Lachowicze, Lyakhavichy, Liakhavichy District, Brest Region, Belarus
Death: September 06, 1962 (84)
Philadelphia, Philadelphia County, Pennsylvania, United States
Immediate Family:

Daughter of Meyer Gelfand and Tamara Gelfand Schaffer
Wife of David Joseph Kurtzer and Joseph Goldfuss
Mother of Private; Itzak Kurtzer; Miriam (Meri) Epstein and Abraham Isaac Goldfuss
Sister of Boruch Gelfand; David Isidore Gelfand and Harry Gelfand
Half sister of Joseph Schaffer

Managed by: Private User
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Eva (Chawa) Yenta Kurtzer Goldfuss's Timeline

February 12, 1878
Lachowicze, Lyakhavichy, Liakhavichy District, Brest Region, Belarus
August 20, 1898
Philadelphia, Philadelphia County, PA, United States
December 25, 1911
Minsk / Мінск, Minsk rayon / Минский район, Republic of Belarus (Belarus)
September 6, 1962
Age 84
Philadelphia, Philadelphia County, Pennsylvania, United States