Francis William Crook

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Francis William Crook (1893 - 1967)

Also Known As: "Frank"
Birthplace: Southampton, Southampton, England, United Kingdom
Death: 1967 (73-74)
Southampton, Hampshire, England (United Kingdom)
Place of Burial: Southampton, Southampton, England, United Kingdom
Immediate Family:

Son of Samuel Bater Crook and Mary Crook
Husband of Mary Catherine Crook
Father of Lawrence Crook; Major General(Retd) James Cooper Crook and Private
Brother of Ernest Crook; Arthur Crook; Herbert Crook; Harold Bater Crook; Katherine Mary Maslen and 1 other

Occupation: Dental Surgeon
Managed by: David Johnson
Last Updated:
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Francis William Crook's Timeline

April 1, 1893
Southampton, Southampton, England, United Kingdom
August 9, 1921
London, UK
Age 73
Southampton, Hampshire, England (United Kingdom)
Southampton, Southampton, England, United Kingdom