Francisco Alonso Cuéllar

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Francisco Alonso Cuéllar (1734 - d.)

English (default): Cuéllar, Spanish: Francisco Alonso Cuéllar Arroyo
Birthplace: Lumbrales, Salamanca, CL, Spain
Death: Lumbrales, Salamanca, CL, Spain
Immediate Family:

Son of Juan Alonso Cuéllar and María Bogajo Caballero
Husband of Mar Cuéllar
Father of Santiago Alonso Cuéllar

Managed by: Isaac Baringou Herrero
Last Updated:
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Francisco Alonso Cuéllar's Timeline

August 3, 1734
Lumbrales, Salamanca, CL, Spain
August 3, 1754
Lumbrales, Salamanca, CL, Spain
Lumbrales, Salamanca, CL, Spain