Franciscus Maria BRIS, BRIX

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Franciscus Maria BRIS, BRIX (1788 - 1795)

Birthplace: Villeneuve, Vallée d'Aoste, Italie
Death: October 13, 1795 (7)
Villeneuve, Vallée d'Aoste, Italie
Immediate Family:

Son of Antonius Franciscus Josephi BRIS, BRIX and Maria Margarita GRIVEL
Brother of Joannes Andreas BRIS, BRIX; Anna Maria Mauritia BRIS, BRIX; Joseph Victor BRIS, BRIX; Gaspardus BRIS, BRIX; Joannes Baptista Franciscus BRIS, BRIX and 3 others

Managed by: Daniel D'HERIN
Last Updated:
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Franciscus Maria BRIS, BRIX's Timeline

September 13, 1788
Villeneuve, Vallée d'Aoste, Italie
October 13, 1795
Age 7
Villeneuve, Vallée d'Aoste, Italie